PSF Internship Profile: Allen Mills

Name: Allen Mills
Major: Political Science, Minor in History
Internship Site: Sylvan Heights Bird Park

How did you hear about the SECU Public Service Fellows internship program and why were you interested in being a part of the program?
I was forwarded the information about the SECU PSF internship by Dr. Hur. The internship seemed like an amazing opportunity that I could not pass up.


Why were you interested in your internship site? What drew you to your site?
I applied for a different internship site, but was not selected. Dr. Paynter’s office emailed me this opportunity as an alternate and I figured it would be a challenging new opportunity, so I went with it. Further, I had been to the park a couple of times, so I had a pretty good idea of what the internship environment would be.


What are some of your daily tasks/major projects that you’ve worked on this summer during your internship?
Two days of the week I work outdoors on the park grounds doing morning/afternoon feed, general upkeep and food prep for the following day. The remaining three days of the week I work inside with the education coordinator on different tasks. Most days of the week we have school/camp/church groups come into the park sometimes with more than 50 kids. Myself and another education intern are tasked with checking them into the park. One major task I have been working on with her is preparing for the park’s summer camp which has different themed days with varying activities and crafts. I am involved in the planning and execution of the summer camp through teaching the activities that I found.


What’s been your favorite part of your internship?
My favorite part of the internship was when I went kayaking with a group of people, including the education coordinator, from the park in a wetland that the park owns. We spent the morning cleaning the kayak barn that is located there, had lunch and then went kayaking for the bulk of the afternoon.


How have you seen yourself grow or your skills improve during your internship?
This internship has been a wildly challenging experience. I have never worked with birds or kids in any capacity so the ability to do that with guidance from my supervisors has been so amazing. I feel like I have really grown as a person throughout the duration of this internship in terms of skills I have gained and the creativity I have expressed.


How do you believe your site benefits through your internship?
Having an intern who is flexible enough to work both on the park grounds and with the education side offers invaluable options to the park itself. I was able to float between completing tasks outside (stump grinding, leveling paths and cleaning the enclosures) to back inside with the education coordinator (summer camp prep, checking in groups and on-going outreach).


Do you have any plans to continue in this type of work after your internship?
I do not. I am planning to finish up my bachelor’s in political science and pursue a career in foreign relations. This internship has given me invaluable memories and challenged me to step outside of my comfort zone and I could not be more grateful.


How do you believe you’ve improved the lives of local community members through your internship? If so, how?
I have worked directly with the community both through the park and through our outreach program. Most of the outreach programs were located in libraries in lower income areas. Libraries are a central location that offers technology, access and programs that help individuals that would otherwise miss out on these.


What advice would you give students that are interested in participating in the PSF internship program?
Keep an open mind. In the first two weeks of my internship I was ready to quit. However, I stuck it out and it has been one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences in my life thus far.