Human Research Participants Resources

The following resources are available for human research participants. For questions, concerns or suggestions about research, a research-related injury, or questions about your rights as someone taking part in research, call the ECU UMCIRB Monday through Friday at 252-744-2914. If you would like to report complaint or concern about a specific research study, you may call the UMCIRB director at 252-744-2914.

Brochures and Information Sheets

About Research Participation

The Office of Human Research Protection’s About Research Participation offers resources designed to help potential volunteers better understand research and find the information they need to decide whether to participate in research. Trial coordinators and research staff also could use these materials to facilitate and improve the informed consent process. These resources include a series of short videos about participating in research, a printable list of questions that potential volunteers can ask researchers, and links to additional resources.

Participation in Research Links

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