Responsible Conduct of Research Training
The following materials are available for Responsible Conduct of Research training.
- Collaborative Science
- Conflicts of Interest and Commitments
- Data Acquisition, Management, Sharing and Ownership
- Human Research Protections
- Intellectual Property and Commercialization
- Lab Animal Welfare
- Mentoring
- Peer Review
- Publication Practices and Responsible Authorship
- Research Misconduct
Collaborative Science
- BUILD EXITO: a multi-level intervention to support health-focused research for all
- Individual motivation and threat indicators of collaboration readiness in scientific knowledge producing teams: a scoping review and domain analysis
- The multidisciplinary translational team (MTT) model for training and development of translational research investigators
- Team science approach to developing consensus on research good practices for practice-based research networks: A case study
- Valley of death: A proposal to build a “translational bridge” for the next generation
- Multinational teams and diseconomies of scale in collaborative research
Conflicts of Interest and Commitments
- Conflicts of interest among committee members in the National Academies’ genetically engineered crop study
- Benchmarks for ethically credible partnerships between industry and academic health centers: beyond disclosure of financial conflicts of interest
- Addressing bias and conflict of interest among biomedical researchers
- Researcher perspectives on conflicts of interest: A qualitative analysis of views from academia
- Conflict of interest disclosure in biomedical research: a review of current practices, biases, and the role of public registries in improving transparency
- Managing conflicts of interest in industry-sponsored clinical research: More physician engagement is required
Data Acquisition, Management, Sharing and Ownership
- Patient consent to publication and data sharing in industry and NIH-funded clinical trials
- International Charter of principles for sharing bio-specimens and data
- Using social media for health research: Methodological and ethical considerations for recruitment and intervention delivery
- Handling big data: Research challenges and future directions
- Resolving complex research data management issues in biomedical laboratories: Qualitative study of an industry–academia collaboration
- The ethics of big data: Current and foreseeable issues in biomedical contexts
Human Research Protections
- Seeking consent for research with indigenous communities: A systematic review
- National ethical guidelines for biomedical & health research involving human participants, 2017: A commentary
- The role of the virtuous investigator in protecting human research subjects
- Ethical principles for the use of human cellular biotechnologies
- Examining the social benefits principle in research with human participants
- Piloting a nationally disseminated, interactive human subjects protection program for community partners: Design, content, and evaluation
Intellectual Property and Commercialization
- Do patents of academic funded researchers enjoy a longer life? A study of patent renewal decisions
- Persistent confusion and controversy surrounding gene patents
- Commercialization of university inventions: Individual and institutional factors affecting licensing of university patents
- Learning in university technology transfer offices: Transactions-focused and relations-focused approaches to commercialization of academic research
- From academic laboratory to the market: Disclosed and undisclosed narratives of commercialization
- Technology transfer: From the research bench to commercialization
Lab Animal Welfare
- Professionalism and ethics in animal research
- Improving quality of science through better animal welfare: The NC3Rs strategy
- Exploring the gaps in practical ethical guidance for animal welfare considerations of field interventions and innovations targeting dogs and cats
- The role of the IACUC in ensuring research reproducibility
- The role of the IACUC in the design and conduct of animal experiments that contribute to translational success
- The three Rs of animal research: What they mean for the institutional animal care and use committee and why
- Mentorship and ethics in global health: Fostering scientific integrity and responsible conduct of research
- Creating more effective mentors: Mentoring the mentor
- Defining attributes and metrics of effective research mentoring relationships
- Characteristics of successful and failed mentoring relationships: A qualitative study across two academic health centers
- The Munich-Evaluation-of-Mentoring-Questionnaire (MEMeQ) – a novel instrument for evaluating proteges satisfaction with mentoring relationships in medical education
- Spectrum Approach to Mentoring: an evidence-based approach to mentoring for academics working in higher education
Peer Review
- Opening peer-review: The democracy of science
- Give until it hurts
- Awareness of publication guidelines and the responsible conduct of research
- Doing peer review: Reflections from an international group of postdoctoral fellows
- Researcher perspectives on publication and peer review of data
- Strategies to prevent or reduce gender bias in peer review of research grants: A rapid scoping review
Publication Practices and Responsible Authorship
- Neutralising fair credit: Factors that influence unethical authorship practices
- Biomedical authors’ awareness of publication ethics: An international survey
- Authorship ethics in global health research partnerships between researchers from low or middle income countries and high income countries
- Manuscript development and publishing: A 5-Step approach
- Authorship and citation manipulation in academic research
- A Theoretical foundation for the ethical distribution of authorship in multidisciplinary publications
Research Misconduct
- Research misconduct: Time for a re-think?
- Research misconduct: A grand global challenge for the 21st Century
- Interventions to prevent misconduct and promote integrity in research and publication
- Fostering responsible research practices is a shared responsibility of multiple stakeholders
- Scientists admitting to plagiarism: A meta-analysis of surveys
- Perceptions of plagiarism by STEM graduate students: A case study