ECU Postdoctoral Association
The ECU Postdoctoral Association is a volunteer organization dedicated to addressing the needs and concerns of all ECU postdocs. In the past, the association has worked closely with the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs to provide resources for professional development, generate awareness about problems common to all postdocs, and to foster a sense of community among postdoctoral scholars. All postdoctoral appointees from all of ECU’s colleges, schools and divisions are welcome to participate in the ECU Postdoctoral Association.
In addition to organizing events and seminars to enrich the scientific experience of postdocs, we are also interested in promoting programs that encourage social interaction within the community.
We invite you to become part of the association and welcome your ideas and suggestions to improve the quality of the postdoctoral experience at ECU. Your participation in the ECU Postdoctoral Association will assist you in building your own leadership skills, in meeting other postdocs outside of your home department, networking and negotiating with others, and in serving the community – a critical experience for you to list on your CV and share with employers during interviews. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact an association leader for more information.
ECU Postdoctoral Association 2024-25 Officers

The National Postdoctoral Association
In addition to ECU’s Postdoctoral Association, the National Postdoctoral Association is available as a resource to postdoctoral students. The National Postdoctoral Association is a member-driven, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides a unique, national voice for postdoctoral scholars. Since 2003, it has taken on an agenda to enhance the quality of the postdoctoral experience in the United States. ECU is a sustaining member of the NPA. Check out the benefits of being a member and the resources available to members.