Postdoc Profile: Ayodeji Olabiyi

Ayodeji Olabiyi

Dr. Lisandra de Castro Brás

Biochemistry (BSc., 2006)
Applied Biochemistry (M.Tech, 2012)
Applied Biochemistry (Ph.D., 2018)

Research Summary
He won an award from TWAS/CNPQ (2015) to visit the laboratory of Prof M.R.C Schetinger at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Center of Natural and Exacts Sciences), Brazil where he researched on natural food product’s intervention on erectile function evaluating some relevant biomolecules in relation cardiovascular disease, and their possible effect on the purinergic signaling. After completing his PhD, won a postdoctoral fellowship award grant by CAPES (2020) in Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil to work in the laboratory of Prof Daniel B.R. Leal on CAPES PrInT project. His research interest has always been on cardiovascular disease. Hence, joined the lab of Dr. Lisandra E. de Castro Brás as a postdoctoral Scholar at the East Carolina University, Physiology Department, Brody School of Medicine, Greenville, NC, United States. In this lab, we study mechanisms underlying scar formation after cardiac injury, such as post-myocardial infarction (MI) to identify triggers that lead to cardiac dysfunction and develop strategies to diagnose, slow, or reverse the progression to heart failure. In this regard, we use multidimensional, translational, and proteomic approaches to investigate the mechanisms whereby tissue remodels and regenerates post injury.