Office of Compliance Monitoring

Compliance Monitoring (formerly Post-IRB Approval Monitoring Program)

East Carolina University is committed to the protection of human subjects involved in research. In an effort to protect research participants and to satisfy federal regulatory requirements, we conduct post-IRB approval routine monitoring for select human research studies. The purpose of monitoring is to assess the human research activities conducted under the Federal-wide Assurance Agreement with DHHS’ Office of Human Research Protections. This program assures participant safety in research, provides education to research professionals, and identifies strengths and areas for improvement in research practice at ECU and its affiliates.

The purpose of this program is to provide internal oversight on compliance issues relating to the performance of human research studies. The emphasis of the program is:

  • To ensure the rights and welfare of research participants and the quality and integrity of the research;
  • To identify educational and research support needs;
  • To ensure compliance with federal, state, local and institutional regulations and policies; and
  • To identify areas of strength and areas in need of improvement in research endeavors

Compliance Monitoring Resources