ORA Unit Liaisons

Use the table below – and the search box to the right – to locate your ORA pre-award or post-award liaison. These assignments are reviewed monthly.

Last updated: 10/30/2024

You may also search for your grant manager using your fund number.

DepartmentHubPre-Award OfficerPost-Award SpecialistORG
AA - Academic ProgramsRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5104
AA - Enrollment ServicesRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand11511
AA - Graduate SchoolRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand502
AA - Honors CollegeRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand50410
AA - Institutional Planning Assessment & ResearchRick SmileySammyJo Fly50610
AA - OETASRick SmileyCheyenne Leggett511112
AA - Office of People Operations, Success, and OpportunityRick SmileyJanice McGowan50310
AA - Office of Faculty ExcellenceRick SmileySteve Ayers514501
AA - Office of Global AffairsRick SmileyCzarina Stroud50510
AA - Office of Personnel AdministrationRick SmileySammyJo Fly511001
AA - Office of the Provost (Office of the Provost)Rick SmileyJanice McGowan5101
AA - Study AbroadRick SmileyJanice McGowan51032
AA - Undergraduate StudiesRick SmileySammyJo Fly50801
AA - Vice Provost for Academic SuccessRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand50901
AF - AVC & Military AffairsKevin MillsJanice McGowan51033
AF - Budget and Athletics Fiscal AffairsKevin MillsJanice McGowan202
AF - Business ServicesKevin MillsJanice McGowan23
AF - Campus OperationsKevin MillsJanice McGowan25
AF - Enterprise Risk ManagementKevin MillsJanice McGowan201
AF - Financial ServicesKevin MillsJanice McGowan24
AF - Health Sciences Admin and FinanceKevin MillsJanice McGowan206
AF - Human ResourcesKevin MillsJanice McGowan22
AF - Parking and TrafficKevin MillsJanice McGowan26
AF - University FunctionsKevin MillsJanice McGowan28
AF - Vice Chancellor's Office (Division of Finance and Administration)Kevin MillsJanice McGowan21
AF- Information Technology and Computing ServicesKevin MillsJanice McGowan27
AHS - Addictions and Rehabilitation StudiesHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6415
AHS - Clinical Lab ScienceHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6430
AHS - Communication Sciences And DisordersHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6405
AHS - Community HealthHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6420
AHS - Dean's Office (College of Allied Health Sciences)HS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6400
AHS - Health Services And Information ManagementHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6440
AHS - NutritionHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6455
AHS - Occupational TherapyHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6435
AHS - Physical TherapyHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6410
AHS - Physician Assistant StudiesHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6445
AT - Athletics Administration (Office of the Athletic Director)Kevin MillsJanice McGowan81
AT - Athletics OtherKevin MillsJanice McGowan85
AT - Game OperationsKevin MillsJanice McGowan83
AT - SportsKevin MillsJanice McGowan82
BSOM - Academic AffairsMary Lisa PoriesSteve Ayers6602
BSOM - Administration And FinanceMary Lisa PoriesSteve Ayers6613
BSOM - Anatomy and Cell BiologyJeff FriedrichNick Duncan6685
BSOM - Biochemistry and Molecular BiologyJeff FriedrichCheyenne Leggett6686
BSOM - Bioethics and Interdisciplinary StudiesJeff FriedrichCzarina Stroud6691
BSOM - Cardiovascular SciencesMary Lisa PoriesCrystal Hildenbrand6658
BSOM - Clinical Finance AdministrationMary Lisa PoriesCzarina Stroud6620
BSOM - Clinical Information TechMary Lisa PoriesCzarina Stroud6612
BSOM - Clinical SkillsMary Lisa PoriesCzarina Stroud6605
BSOM - Comparative MedicineMary Lisa PoriesCzarina Stroud6688
BSOM - ComplianceMary Lisa PoriesCzarina Stroud6614
BSOM - Continuing Medical EducationMary Lisa PoriesCheyenne Leggett6629
BSOM - Dean's Office (Brody School of Medicine)Mary Lisa PoriesNancy Sutton6600
BSOM - East Carolina Heart InstituteMary Lisa PoriesNancy Sutton6500
BSOM - ECU Physicians AdministrationMary Lisa PoriesNancy Sutton6619
BSOM - Emergency MedicineMary Lisa PoriesCheyenne Leggett6650
BSOM - Family MedicineMary Lisa PoriesCheyenne Leggett6652
BSOM - Graduate Medical EducationMary Lisa PoriesCzarina Stroud6616
BSOM - Health DisparitiesOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6608
BSOM - Internal MedicineJeff FriedrichElla Arnette-Barrett6642
BSOM - Microbiology and ImmunologyJeff FriedrichCzarina Stroud6687
BSOM - Obstetrics and GynecologyMary Lisa PoriesCrystal Hildenbrand6648
BSOM - Pathology and Laboratory MedicineMary Lisa PoriesNancy Sutton6662
BSOM - PediatricsMary Lisa PoriesSteve Ayers6646
BSOM - PharmacologyJeff FriedrichNancy Sutton6689
BSOM - PharmacyMary Lisa PoriesCzarina Stroud6621
BSOM - Physical Medicine and RehabilitationMary Lisa PoriesCzarina Stroud6654
BSOM - PhysiologyJeff FriedrichNick Duncan6690
BSOM - Psychiatry and Behavioral MedicineMary Lisa PoriesNancy Sutton6644
BSOM - Public HealthOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6692
BSOM - Radiation And OncologyMary Lisa PoriesCheyenne Leggett6664
BSOM - Research and Graduate StudiesMary Lisa PoriesCzarina Stroud6603
BSOM - Risk ManagementMary Lisa PoriesCheyenne Leggett6615
BSOM - SurgeryJeff FriedrichCheyenne Leggett6660
CET - Center for Innovation in Technology & EngineeringAA - West HubMary Lisa PoriesNick Duncan58010
CET - Center for Sustainable Energy and Environmental EngineeringAA - West HubMary Lisa PoriesNick Duncan5807
CET - Computer ScienceAA - West HubMary Lisa PoriesNick Duncan5804
CET - Construction ManagementAA - West HubMary Lisa PoriesNick Duncan5803
CET - Dean's Office (College of Engineering and Technology)AA - West HubMary Lisa PoriesNick Duncan5801
CET - EngineeringAA - West HubMary Lisa PoriesNick Duncan5806
CET - Technology SystemsAA - West HubMary Lisa PoriesNick Duncan5802
CFAC - Dean's Office (College of Fine Arts and Communications)AA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5501
CFAC - PlayhouseAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5506
CFAC - School of Art and DesignAA - West HubRick SmileySteve Ayers5502
CFAC - School of CommunicationAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5503
CFAC - School of MusicAA - West HubRick SmileySteve Ayers5504
CFAC - School of Theatre and DanceAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5505
CFAC - Summer TheatreAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5507
CH - Athletic ComplianceKevin MillsJanice McGowan116
CH - Chancellor's Office (Office of the Chancellor)Kevin MillsJanice McGowan101
CH - Chief of StaffKevin MillsJanice McGowan105
CH - Environmental Health and Campus SafetyKevin MillsJanice McGowan117
CH - Faculty SenateKevin MillsJanice McGowan109
CH - Internal AuditorKevin MillsJanice McGowan107
CH - Public Service & Community RelationsKevin MillsJanice McGowan112
CH - University AttorneyKevin MillsJanice McGowan102
CH - University CommunicationsKevin MillsJanice McGowan114
COB - AccountingAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5302
COB - BB&T Center for Leadership DevelopmentAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand53091
COB - Bureau of Business ResearchAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5310
COB - Center for Student SuccessAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5311
COB - Dean's Office (College of Business)AA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5301
COB - DevelopmentAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5312
COB - FinanceAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5304
COB - Hospitality LeadershipAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5313
COB - ManagementAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5306
COB - Management Information SystemsAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5303
COB - MarketingAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5305
COB - Professional ServicesAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5308
COB - School of EntrepreneurshipAA - West HubRick SmileyCzarina Stroud5314
COB - Technology, Information and OperationsAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5307
COE - Dean's Office (College of Education)AA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly5401
COE - ECU Community SchoolAA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly5406
COE - Educational LeadershipAA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly54042
COE - Elementary and Middle Grades EducationAA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly54045
COE - Interdisciplinary ProfessionAA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly54049
COE - Literacy Studies English Education and History EducationAA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly54048
COE - Math, Science and Instructional TechnologyAA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly54044
COE - NC Teaching FellowsAA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly5402
COE - New Teacher Support ProgramAA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly5408
COE - Special Education, Foundations and ResearchAA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly54047
COE - STEM CenterAA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly54041
COE - Teacher EducationAA - East HubRick SmileySammyJo Fly5403
CON - Advanced Nursing Practice and EducationHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsNancy Sutton6340
CON - Baccalaureate EducationHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsNancy Sutton6320
CON - Dean's Office (College of Nursing)HS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsNancy Sutton6300
CON - Nursing ScienceHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsNancy Sutton6380
CON - Nursing Support ServicesHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsNancy Sutton6360
CON - Program EvaluationHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsNancy Sutton6390
CON - Student Development and CounselingHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsNancy Sutton6370
CON - TechnologyHS - CON & AHS HubKevin MillsNancy Sutton6368
FD - FoundationsKevin MillsJanice McGowan92
HHP - Dean's Office (College of Health and Human Performance)AA - East HubRick SmileyJanice McGowan5601
HHP - Health Education and PromotionAA - East HubRick SmileyJanice McGowan5604
HHP - Human Development and Family ScienceAA - East HubRick SmileyJanice McGowan5608
HHP - Human Performance LabAA - East HubRick SmileyJanice McGowan5603
HHP - Interior DesignAA - East HubRick SmileyJanice McGowan5609
HHP - KinesiologyAA - East HubRick SmileyJanice McGowan5602
HHP - Recreation SciencesAA - East HubRick SmileyJanice McGowan5605
HHP - Social WorkAA - East HubRick SmileyJanice McGowan5610
HS - Agromedicine InstituteJeff FriedrichNancy Sutton6143
HS - Clinical SkillsKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6160
HS - DHS Graduate ProgramsKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6180
HS - East Carolina Diabetes and Obesity InstituteJeff FriedrichCzarina Stroud6175
HS - Interdisciplinary HealthKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6170
HS - Multimedia and Tech ServicesKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6135
HS - Prospective HealthKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6140
HS - Vice Chancellor's Office (Office of the Vice Chancellor for Health Sciences)Kevin MillsSteve Ayers6100
HSL - Country Doctor MuseumKevin MillsCzarina Stroud6210
HSL - Laupus Library (Laupus Library)Kevin MillsCheyenne Leggett6200
ICP - Coastal Research Management PhD ProgramMary Lisa PoriesJanice McGowan51062
ICP - Coastal Studies InstituteMary Lisa PoriesJanice McGowan5108
ICP - Department of Coastal StudiesMary Lisa PoriesJanice McGowan5106
ICP - Integrated Coastal Programs (Integrated Coastal Program)Mary Lisa PoriesJanice McGowan50511
LIB - Joyner Library (Joyner Library)Jeff FriedrichSteve Ayers5201
REDE - Community Engagement and ResearchRick SmileyCheyenne Leggett7301
REDE - Economic and Community DevelopmentRick SmileyCheyenne Leggett1123
REDE - Licensing and CommercializationRick SmileyCheyenne Leggett7104
REDE - Office of Continuing and Professional EducationRick SmileyCheyenne Leggett5103
REDE - Office of Innovation and Economic DevelopmentRick SmileyCheyenne Leggett1120
REDE - Office of Research AdministrationRick SmileyCheyenne Leggett2408
REDE - Research Integrity and ComplianceRick SmileyCheyenne Leggett7103
REDE - Small Business and Technology DevelopmentRick SmileyCheyenne Leggett1122
REDE - UMC IRBRick SmileyCheyenne Leggett7601
REDE - Vice Chancellor's Office (Division of Research, Economic Development and Engagement)Rick SmileyCheyenne Leggett7101
SA - Career ServicesJeff FriedrichCrystal Hildenbrand51022
SA - Dean of StudentsJeff FriedrichCrystal Hildenbrand44
SA - Housing Dining and TransitJeff FriedrichCrystal Hildenbrand42
SA - Marketing and CommunicationsJeff FriedrichCrystal Hildenbrand45
SA - Office of The Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs)Jeff FriedrichCrystal Hildenbrand41
SA - Recreation ServicesJeff FriedrichCrystal Hildenbrand46
SA - Student Government AssociationJeff FriedrichCrystal Hildenbrand48
SA - Student Involvement & LeadershipJeff FriedrichCrystal Hildenbrand47
SA - Student TransitionsJeff FriedrichCrystal Hildenbrand43
SODM - Academic Support and Faculty DevelopmentOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6704
SODM - Business and Financial AffairsOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6707
SODM - Clinic ServicesOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6721
SODM - Clinical AffairsOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6708
SODM - Dean's Office (College of Dental Medicine)OPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6700
SODM - Dental Education & InformaticsOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6705
SODM - Extramural Clinical PracticesOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6702
SODM - Faculty PracticeOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6731
SODM - Foundation SciencesOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6714
SODM - General DentistryOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6713
SODM - Office of Student AffairsOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6703
SODM - Pediatrics and OrthodonticsOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6712
SODM - Research Innovation & DiscoveryOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6706
SODM - Service Learning Centers Reg 1OPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6741
SODM - Service Learning Centers Reg 2OPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6742
SODM - Surgical SciencesOPHRAJeff FriedrichSteve Ayers6711
THCAS - AnthropologyAA - West HubKevin MillsCrystal Hildenbrand5925
THCAS - BiologyAA - West HubKevin MillsSammyJo Fly5912
THCAS - Center for Survey ResearchAA - West HubKevin MillsCrystal Hildenbrand591105
THCAS - ChemistryAA - West HubRick SmileyNancy Sutton5913
THCAS - Criminal JusticeAA - West HubKevin MillsCrystal Hildenbrand5927
THCAS - Dean's Office (College of Arts and Sciences)AA - West HubKevin MillsCheyenne Leggett5911
THCAS - EconomicsAA - West HubKevin MillsCheyenne Leggett5926
THCAS - EnglishAA - West HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud5921
THCAS - Foreign LanguagesAA - West HubKevin MillsCheyenne Leggett5914
THCAS - Geography and PlanningAA - West HubKevin MillsCrystal Hildenbrand5915
THCAS - GeologyAA - West HubKevin MillsCrystal Hildenbrand5916
THCAS - HistoryAA - West HubKevin MillsCheyenne Leggett5922
THCAS - MathAA - West HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud5923
THCAS - PhilosophyAA - West HubKevin MillsCrystal Hildenbrand5917
THCAS - PhysicsAA - West HubRick SmileyCrystal Hildenbrand5918
THCAS - Political ScienceAA - West HubKevin MillsCrystal Hildenbrand5919
THCAS - PsychologyAA - West HubKevin MillsCheyenne Leggett5920
THCAS - SociologyAA - West HubKevin MillsCzarina Stroud5924
THCAS - University StudiesAA - West HubKevin MillsCheyenne Leggett5928
UA - Alumni Relations StateKevin MillsJanice McGowan34
UA - Annual FundKevin MillsJanice McGowan33
UA - IT ServicesKevin MillsJanice McGowan37
UA - University DevelopmentKevin MillsJanice McGowan32
UA - Vice Chancellor's Office (Division of University Advancement)Kevin MillsJanice McGowan31