Compliance Monitoring & Strategic Initiatives

Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative agreements from Federal, State and Non-Governmental organizations are critical in supporting ECU’s rapidly growing research, engagement and economic development projects and programs. CMSI provides support to these initiatives through the development of  resources, policies, improved procedures, training and communication. An important component of CMSI’s mission is monitoring of sponsored program funding to ensure ECU meets the highest standards of compliance and performance.

CMSI has adopted the goal of reducing administrative burden for the ECU research enterprise while ensuring financial compliance and appropriate oversight of grants, contracts and cooperative agreements.

To support faculty investigators with high quality research administration:

CMSI monitors national standards associated with research administration. These standards include changes in applicable law, revised regulation by federal agencies, and evolving practices by other leading research institutions.

CMSI works with financial and technical experts to build information systems that provide accurate and relevant information to faculty researchers in convenient formats.

CMSI collaborates with operational units to create, review, and revise policy and procedures relevant to their work. The goal is predictable and transparent processes, informed by experience and expertise, which can be readily understood by faculty, administrators, and staff.

CMSI creates and provides readily available training opportunities which prepare personnel to support the research efforts of the ECU faculty.

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