Basics for Departmental Research Administrators (BDRA)

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Series Summary

BDRA is designed to provide guidance to department administrators and Hub personnel in the basic functions of proposal submission and financial project management in support of faculty seeking and managing funded projects. The content may also be of interest to faculty and chairs, as it provides important information regarding ECU’s sponsored program processes, resources, tools and systems. The sessions involve both asynchronous “self-study” portions and virtual classroom instruction.

These sessions are intended to be entry-level and do not have prerequisites. However, for those individuals engaged in supporting charging to sponsored programs, effort review, and/or proposal submission, it is highly recommended that the following are in place prior to taking this training as applicable to their ECU role. 

  • Access to Banner 
  • eTRACS training/Assigned role in eTRACS 
  • Chrome River training/Assigned role in Chrome River 

Although not required, a basic understanding of departmental operations will enable participants to understand the material more fully as the course materials focus on the impact of sponsored project issues on those operations. 

Required Training

Some personnel may be required to complete the BDRA series due to the extent of their responsibility for administering sponsored projects. Personnel who manage 5 or more sponsored projects or at least $100,000 of active awards should complete the BDRA within one year of becoming eligible. See – Required Training for Departmental Administrators.

These personnel will be notified individually and can use the links below to access each element within the series.

In limited circumstances, personnel who will not be managing sponsored projects on an ongoing basis can be exempted from this training. See – Training Requirement Waiver Request.

Additional Training

Some personnel may also be required to complete the Chrome River Approvers training, if they are tasked with approving charges made through Chrome River. These personnel will be notified individually and can use the resources found in the Chrome River Approvers training table below.

Session TitleDescription
BDRA01 - Introduction to Research AdministrationAn online self-study with an assessment - which provides an initial orientation to research administration.
BDRA01 - Cornerstone Registration
BDRA01 Slides
BDRA01 Links Page
BDRA02 - Research Administration Offices & ResourcesAn online self-study with an assessment - which provides an overview of ECU units and technologies which support research administration .
BDRA02 - Cornerstone Registration
BDRA02 Slides
BDRA02 Links Page
BDRA03 - Spending on Sponsored ProjectsAn online self-study with an assessment – which explores the fundamentals of charging costs to sponsored projects.
BDRA03 - Cornerstone Registration
BDRA03 Slides
BDRA03 Links Page
BDRA-FF – Finding FundingAn online self-study with an assessment and a class session with case studies – which provides an orientation to funding databases, sponsor websites, interpreting program announcements.
Available Spring 2023
BDRA-PB – Proposal BudgetingAn online self-study with an assessment and a class session with case studies – which provides an overview of key proposal budgeting concepts.
Available Spring 2023
BDRA-RS – Routing & Submitting ProposalsAn online self-study with an assessment and a class session with case studies – which provides an orientation to the process of routing proposals within ECU and submission of proposals to sponsors.
Available Spring 2023
BDRA-PA - Other Preaward TopicsAn online self-study with an assessment and a class session with case studies – which provides an overview of additional preaward issues including conflict of interest, F&A questions, research subjects, etc.
Available Spring 2023
BDRA-AS1 - Award Setup (Part 1)An online self-study with an assessment and a class session with case studies – which provides an orientation to the award setup process, the Notice of Award, and pre-award spending.
BDRA-AS1 - Cornerstone Registration
BDRA-AS1 Slides
BDRA-AS1 Links Page
BDRA-AS2 - Award Setup (Part 2)An online self-study with an assessment and a class session with case studies – which provides an orientation to the award setup process, the Notice of Award, and pre-award spending.
BDRA-AS2 - Cornerstone Registration
BDRA-AS2 Slides
BDRA-AS2 Links Page
BDRA-MP1 – Manage Project (Part 1)An online self-study with an assessment and a class session with case studies – which provides an overview of financial management tools, the monthly reconciliation process, and making financial adjustments to funded projects.
BDRA-MP1 - Cornerstone Registration
BDRA-MP1 Slides
BDRA-MP1 Links Page
BDRA-MP2 – Manage Project (Part 2)An online self-study with an assessment and a class session with case studies – which provides an overview of financial forecasting, dealing with special circumstances, and preparing for closeout.
BDRA-MP2 - Cornerstone Registration
BDRA-MP2 Slides
BDRA-MP2 Links Page
BDRA-CO - CloseoutAn online self-study with an assessment and a class session with case studies – which summarized the process of achieving a clean closeout of sponsored projects.
Available Spring 2023
BDRA-EC – Effort & Effort CertificationAn online self-study with an assessment and a class session with case studies – which provides an overview of committing and certifying effort on sponsored projects.
BDRA-EC - Cornerstone Registration
BDRA-Effort Slides
BDRA-Effort Links Page

Session TitleDescription
Chrome River Approvers TrainingAn online self-study with an assessment - which provides an introduction to approving charges for sponsored programs for Chrome River approvers.
Chrome River Approvers Training - Cornerstone Registration
Chrome River Approvers Slides

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