Roles & Responsibilities

Many different offices, committees and university employees have a hand in the lifecycle of a grant from conception to closeout. Take a look at the different offices roles and responsibilities during the six stages of the grant lifecycle.
Research Administration at ECU
- PI – Principal Investigator
- REDE – Office of Research, Economic Development and Engagement
- ORA – Office of Research Administration
- UMCIRB – University and Medical Center Institutional Review Board
- IACUC – Institutional and Animal Care & Use Committee
- ORIC – Office of Research Integrity and Compliance
- OECC – Office of Export Controls and Customs
- IBC – Institutional Biosafety Committee
- LIB – Joyner Library
- OINV – Office of Innovation and New Ventures
Lifecycle Steps
Opportunity Identification
- Project Conceptualization (PI)
- Find Funding
- Sponsor Identification (PI, REDE)
Develop Proposal
- eTRACS System Utilization (PI)
- Research Plan and Budget (PI, REDE, ORA)
- Format Proposal (PI, ORA)
Submit Proposal
- Proposal Submission (ORA)
Award Setup
- Negotiation of Terms and Conditions (ORA)
- Subaward Issuance (ORA)
- Subsequent Award Actions (ORA)
Manage Project
- Human Subjects (PI, UMCIRB)
- Animal Care and Use (PI, IACUC
- Conflicts of Interest (PI, ORIC)
- Biohazards (PI, IBC)
- Export Controls (PI, OECC)
- Technical Management and Reporting (PI)
- Subrecipient Monitoring (PI, ORA)
- Effort Reporting (PI, ORA)
- Data Management and Sharing (PI, LIB)
- Research Personnel Training and Mentoring (PI)
- Intellectual Property Disclosure and Management (PI, OINV)
- Fiscal Management and Compliance (PI, ORA)
- Financial Reporting and Invoicing (ORA)
Closeout Project
- Final Technical Reporting (PI)
- Inventions Reporting (PI, ORA)
- Final Financial Reporting (ORA)
- Audit Management (ORA)