Rick Smiley Archives

Aug 19, 2021
  • Rick Smiley

Payroll Redistribution Deadline

Because the next Effort Cycle will open on Tuesday, September 7 (September 6 is Labor Day), we are setting the deadline for getting payroll redistributions into Banner as 5:00pm Wednesday,...

Aug 19, 2021
  • Rick Smiley

90-Day Notifications

Automated notifications (from ecuBIC) will be sent out to investigators and research administrators 90 days ahead of the end of a project period and/or the project end date. 90-day notifications...

Aug 11, 2021
  • Rick Smiley

RAIN Notes – August 2021

NCURA Webinar – Participant Support Costs – This webinar had several great takeaways – some of the key points were: ECU employees cannot be considered participants Participant Support Costs should...

Aug 05, 2021
  • Rick Smiley

RAIN Invite and Feedback

  This note serves two purposes related to RAIN – the Research Administrator’s Information Network – here at ECU. First, if you have been attending RAIN meetings, we wanted to...

Aug 03, 2021
  • Rick Smiley

NCURA Webinar – Developing Compelling Budget Justifications – 16 Aug 2021

16 August 2021 - 2:00 pm - Contact CMSI for Free Login  Budget justifications have taken on increasing significance in recent years, moving from explaining to reviewers the basis of cost...

Jul 06, 2021
  • Rick Smiley

RAIN Notes – July 2021

NCURA Webinar – Avoiding “Returned Without Review” – Successful proposal submission requires research administrators at both the central and departmental levels to have a solid understanding of sponsor guidelines. Efforts...

Apr 29, 2021
  • Rick Smiley

Subrecipient Invoice Processing Changing Effective May 1, 2021

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) has redesigned the process for paying subrecipient invoices. This new process reduces the work required of the Departments while simplifying the tracking of these...

Apr 15, 2021
  • Rick Smiley

New NIH Biosketch Format

Please be advised the NIH biosketch will move to a new format for all proposals submitted after May 25,2021. Link to NIH Info Page: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm Link to Sample Biosketch: http://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/non-fellowship-biosketch-sample-2021.docx Highlighted...

Apr 14, 2021
  • Rick Smiley

FastTracks – NCURA Webinar – Audits: What’s Hot

Audits: What’s Hot (NCURA Webinar) Do you ever wonder how a certain issue becomes what everyone is talking about? Why (insert newly important issue here) is suddenly the focus of...

Dec 15, 2020
  • Rick Smiley

Operations Update – Subaward Letter of Intent

Proposals involving subrecipients generally require additional documentation to ensure that the proposed collaborators support the proposal and are eligible to receive funding from ECU. This process, with which experienced proposal...