Alerts Archives

Apr 15, 2021

New NIH Biosketch Format

Please be advised the NIH biosketch will move to a new format for all proposals submitted after May 25,2021. Link to NIH Info Page: Link to Sample Biosketch: Highlighted...

Apr 14, 2021

FastTracks – NCURA Webinar – Audits: What’s Hot

Audits: What’s Hot (NCURA Webinar) Do you ever wonder how a certain issue becomes what everyone is talking about? Why (insert newly important issue here) is suddenly the focus of...

Dec 15, 2020

Operations Update – Subaward Letter of Intent

Proposals involving subrecipients generally require additional documentation to ensure that the proposed collaborators support the proposal and are eligible to receive funding from ECU. This process, with which experienced proposal...

Nov 11, 2020

FastTracks – Navigating the Revisions to the UG (NCURA Webinar)

Maybe you have heard something about changes to the Uniform Guidance? Maybe you understand it’s probably important but haven’t had time to “get into it”? We are all in the...

Nov 05, 2020

FastTracks – Professional Development for Research Administrators

Are you searching for professional development in research administration? The Office of Compliance Monitoring and Strategic Initiatives (CMSI) in REDE is making professional development available to ECU staff working in research...

Sep 01, 2020

PI Closeout Attestation Moving to eTRACS

PI Closeout Attestation Moving to eTRACS When a sponsored project is completed, the Principal Investigator is generally required to attest that the project expenditures were reasonable and appropriate. The “wet...

Jun 27, 2020

OMB Updates Administrative Relief Provisions

The Office of Management and Budget has extended some of their Administrative Relief provisions – specifically the ongoing charging of salaries and benefits to active federal awards. This extension runs...

Apr 16, 2020

NSF Posts Webinar on BioSketch Requirements

For those of you who may not be on the NSF mailing list, see the notes below: Dear Colleagues: NSF recently recorded a webinar about the requirement to use an NSF-approved...

Apr 09, 2020

NCURA COVID-19 Webinar (Links to Recordings)

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic NCURA has produced two webinars addressing the challenges, opportunities, and current practices faced by the international research community. If you were unable to attend...

Mar 26, 2020

NSF IIP Phase I Proposals

The National Science Foundation’s Division of Innovation and Industrial Partnerships (IIP) of the Engineering Directorate invites US-based small businesses to submit Phase I proposals focused on the development and deployment of new...