2020 F&A Rate Changes FAQ

The questions below relate to the change in ECU’s federally negotiated Facilities and Administrative Cost (F&A) rates in August 2020. For additional guidance concerning F&A costs, waivers, distributions, procedures, etc, see 330 – Facilities & Administrative Costs.

Where can I see ECU’s F&A rates?
For ECU’s Federal F&A Rate documentation, see 330.03 – F&A Rate Agreement.

ECU’s Clinical Trial F&A Rate is published at 332 – Clinical Trial F&A.

For guidance on which rate applies to a specific project, see 330.01 – F&A Rate Guidance Table.

Another excellent resource is the ORA Proposal Cover Information page.

Indirect Cost (F&A) Rates

Activity TypeOn-CampusOff-Campus AdjacentOff-Campus Remote
Other Sponsored Activity39%26%
Non-Federal Clinical Trials30% (See Letter)
330.03 - ECU Indirect Cost (F&A) Rate Agreement
Previous Rate Agreements

When do the new F&A rates take effect?
The new rates are effective immediately (now). Proposals already under development with budgets that cannot practically be updated to the new rates enjoy a grace period through August 31, 2020.

Please contact the Office of Research Administration to make these arrangements.

For technical procedures related to making changes to an existing proposal in eTRACS, see eTRACS New F&A Rates Help.

What if I’m already working on a proposal in eTRACS?

Proposals already under development with budgets that cannot practically be updated to the new rates enjoy a grace period through the end of August 31, 2020.

Please contact the Office of Research Administration to make these arrangements.

For technical procedures related to making changes to an existing proposal in eTRACS, see eTRACS New F&A Rates Help.

What happens if a proposal I already submitted (using the old rate) gets funded?
Generally, the proposal will be awarded as it was proposed – using the F&A rates included in the proposal. Some sponsors may permit ECU to request permission to apply the new rates, in which case the Office of Research Administration will lead that effort. The direct costs available to conduct the proposed project will not be reduced as part of that negotiation.

Will the new rate apply to my current award if it gets renewed? How about a No-Cost Extension?
Most existing awards (including all federal awards) will continue to use the rates in effect when they were originally awarded. This would include non-completive renewals and no-cost extension periods. Competitive renewals, on the other hand, would be developed using the new rates. This is specifically addressed in OMB Uniform Guidance (see Appendix III, Section C7: Fixed Rates for the Life of the Sponsored Agreement).

Some existing awards from non-federal sponsors may be eligible for the new rates when they reach the next renewal date. The Office of Research Administration will evaluate those awards on a case-by-case basis.

When do I use the Off-Campus rate?
Use of the off-campus rate is restricted to projects that meet the following criteria:

  • Project activities will occur in a facility/space that is not owned or leased for general purposes by ECU;
  • The facility/space will be used for ECU sponsored project activities under a Lease Agreement with an outside party, with the proportion of lease payments allocable to the sponsored project budgeted as a direct cost to be reimbursed by the sponsor or the facility/space is made available for project use by an outside party under a no-cost real estate Lease Agreement or other legal instrument that emulates a real estate lease; and
  • More than 50% of project activities will take place in the leased or donated facility over the life of the sponsored project award.

See Completing the Pre-Review & Additional Info Tabs for additional information on addressing this issue within eTRACS.

What does Off-Campus Adjacent mean?
A project which qualifies for the off-campus rate may be considered “adjacent” if the off-campus facility is within commuting distance of the ECU East Campus (within 50 miles and/or within Pitt County). See eTRACS Definitions.

What does Other Sponsored Activity mean?
Other Sponsored Activity characterizes programs and projects sponsored by federal and non-federal agencies which involve the performance of work other than instruction and organized research. Examples include travel grants; health service projects; non-credit community education; seminars and conferences; art exhibits and performances; support for students, staff, or teachers in elementary or secondary schools, or the general public, through outreach-related activities; community service activities  where the students are not receiving academic credit for their involvement; support for library collections, acquisitions, bibliographies, or cataloging; and enhancement of institutional resources, including but not limited to data center expansion and computing capabilities. See eTRACS Definitions.

Where can if I get a copy of the previous rate agreement?
See ECU F&A Agreement – 2 February 2020

How do I apply for an F&A Waiver?
See 331 – Facilities & Administrative Cost Waivers.\