Find Your Hub

ECU’s Grants Administration Hubs provide both pre- and post-award grants management at the college level and are staffed by expert grant administration professionals. During proposal creation, hub personnel can assist in budget spreadsheet development, application form completion, RAMSeS assistance, interpretation of program guidelines, and more. Once an award is made, they can assist with post-award management including monitoring expenditures and burn rates, rebudgeting, and personnel actions.

The ORA continues to provide final review and submit proposals on behalf of the university, negotiates and accepts all awards and award actions, and issue subawards. We will continue to invoice sponsors, prepare financial reports, and provide other post-award support. We liaise closely with hub personnel in support of faculty engaged in the full array of research and sponsored programs. However, hubs represent additional support for faculty beyond these central offices and are located much closer to faculty working within the various colleges.

Hub Locations

  • CON-CAHS Hub: Nursing and Allied Health
  • POD Hub : Public Health, Oral Health and Health Disparities (POD) Research Administration Hub