Capture 180, 3MT Winners Announced
A big congratulations goes out to our 2018 Capture 180 Research Challenge and 3 Minute Thesis winners! Thank you to all of our students that participated for sharing your research!

Ten undergraduate research students participated in the 2018 Capture 180 Research Challenge. Front Row: Michael Denning, Pranaya Pakala, Cassie Meyer and Mackenzie Thorley. Back Row: Joceyln Bayles, Kelly Kimble, Taylor Malachowski, Shamin Jamadar and Logan Childers.

Two winners emerged from the 2018 Capture 180 Research Challenge. Joceyln Bayles (left) was named the People’s Choice winner for her research presentation “More PEAS Please: Can Food-Based Learning Improve Preschoolers Vegetable Intake?” Taylor Malachowski earned the title of Grand Champion for her presentation “ACSL6 is Required for Spermataogenesis.”

A pair of graduate students took home top honors at the 3 Minute Thesis Challenge. Robert Driver (left) earned the People’s Choice award for his presentation “The Key to a Peaceful Life Hidden in the Siamese Fighting Fish.” Emory Wellman earned the title of Grand Champion for her presentation “Better Together: Oyster Reefs and Salt Marshes as a Dynamic Duo.”