Gilbird Recognized as Outstanding Staff Award Winner

Head shot of Neil GilbirdNeil Gilbird, senior research analyst, was recognized by the East Carolina University Staff Senate as the Division of Research, Economic Development and Engagement’s 2021 Outstanding Staff Award Winner. 

Gilbird was nominated by Suzanne Sparrow, director for the University and Medical Centner Institutional Review Board (UMCIRB), for the honor, joining seven additional Pirate staff members from across campus in the inaugural award-winning class. 

Gilbird’s dedication to ECU’s research community was highlighted in his application, including his efforts to educate the campus on institutional review board related issues. 

Neil goes above and beyond the call of duty, not only to assist our researchers with their IRB applications, but also by becoming a resource for other areas in the university to ensure they are aware of how human subject protections are related to what they do,” Sparrow said. He is always learning more about emerging issues so the IRB office can stay well-informed of how they may impact human research.” 

Sparrow drew attention to Gilbird’s skill of providing guidance while serving others, even those outside of the office. 

Neil’s ability to incorporate new information into how our office serves others makes him a huge asset to this university, as seen in the amount of people that routinely call upon him for advice and guidance,” she said. “One of the biggest things he accomplished was to completely move IRB meetings to a virtual environment, which is no small feat when you have all kinds of people on that committee with very different levels of technology knowledge and equipment.” 

Mike Van Scott, interim vice chancellor for REDE, also congratulated Gilbird for his honor. 

“Part of our duties as a division is to walk the line between research and regulation,” Van Scott said. “Neil does that very well. He helps faculty through the regulatory hurdles while protecting our patients and subject. I’m appreciative of that and the institution is as well.” 

A recording of the 2021 ECU Staff Senate Outstanding Staff Award Ceremony is available online 

2021 ECU Staff Senate Outstanding Staff Award Ceremony Winners 

  • Neil Gilbird, Research, Economic Development and Engagement 
  • Mike Hanley, Athletics 
  • Debbie Hill, Health Sciences 
  • Rich Klindworth, Chancellor’s Division 
  • Mike Perry, Student Affairs 
  • Scott Tisdale, Administration and Finance 
  • Lisa Treadway, Academic Affairs 
  • Jennifer Watson, University Advancement