STEM@Starlight: Ethics of Scientific Publication
Event Information
Ethics of Scientific Publication
April 26, 2021
5-6:15 p.m.
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Mary Farwell, Assistant Vice Chancellor
Division of Research, Economic Development and Engagement
David Sanders, Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Purdue University
“Ethics of Scientific Publication”
Michelle Oyen, Associate Professor
Department of Engineering
Speaker Biography

David Sanders
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences, Purdue University
Sanders is an associate professor of biological sciences at Purdue University. He received his bachelor’s from Yale College in molecular biophysics and biochemistry. He conducted his doctoral research in biochemistry with Daniel E. Koshland, Jr., who was then editor of the journal “Science,” at the University of California at Berkeley. Sanders originated the idea of the “Molecule of the Year” feature in “Science.” Sanders joined the Markey Center for Structural Biology at Purdue University in 1995. He was the discoverer of a biochemical reaction that leads to the entry of cancer-causing retroviruses into cells. Sanders also is the author of two U.S. patents on novel genetherapy delivery techniques. His work on the Ebola virus led to his participation in the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Biological Weapons Proliferation Prevention Program, a product of the Nunn-Lugar legislation. His responsibilities included inspecting the Vector Laboratory in Siberia, which was the site of biological-weapons development in the era of the Soviet Union. He has investigated the transmission of viruses from other animals to humans and is often invited to speak on ethics, biodefense, evolution, gene therapy, vaccination and influenza viruses in public forums.
External Resources
- “We must clear out the rubbish fouling up the scientific pipeline”
- “Plagiarism is not a victimless offence”
- “Each scientist must stand up, at all costs, for the truth”
- “Guest authors are plagiarists”
- “We must take academic plagiarism seriously”
- “How to write (and how not to write) a scientific review article”
- “Developing grad students’ scientific literacy skills”
- Pre-Peer Review Checklist
Presented By:
North Carolina
Biotechnology Center