STEAM Archives

Jul 26, 2019

Students Get New Look at Technology at MIS STEM Camp

A deep dive into business technology highlighted the 2019 Management Information Systems (MIS) Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Camp this week at East Carolina University. The camp hosted 16...

Jul 18, 2019

ECU Announces 2019-20 Arts and Humanities Faculty Reassignment Awards

The Division of Research, Economic Development and Engagement, in partnership with the Division of Academic Affairs, is pleased to announce its faculty reassignment award recipients in the arts and humanities...

Jul 09, 2019


Most oceanographers would rather find themselves studying sardines instead of being packed like one, but East Carolina University assistant professor Rebecca Asch squeezed into the research vessel Kilo Moana last...

Jan 14, 2019


In a football field house full of chatter East Carolina University senior Meghan Lower gathers a group of high school students at local C.M. Eppes Middle School. While the room...

Dec 17, 2018

Capstone Courses Provide Industry Benefits

East Carolina University’s Department of Engineering’s hidden gem is secret no longer. Word about the department’s senior-level capstone engineering courses is reaching industries across eastern North Carolina, and many are...

Oct 11, 2018

Make-a-thon Inspires Innovation

East Carolina University students brought new ideas and innovations to the university’s BrainSTORM make-a-thon event on Oct. 4, offering fresh perspectives to problems that plague communities after natural disasters. Nearly...

Oct 10, 2018


A group of East Carolina University researchers studying the effects of school leadership have secured a five-year, $9.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education. The study is led...