ECU Announces 2019-20 Arts and Humanities Faculty Reassignment Awards

The Division of Research, Economic Development and Engagement, in partnership with the Division of Academic Affairs, is pleased to announce its faculty reassignment award recipients in the arts and humanities for the 2019-20 academic year.

This year’s faculty reassignment award recipients and their projects are:

  • Christopher Oakley, History, “Maritime Indians: The Carolina Algonquians of the Outer Banks”: This multidisciplinary project will examine the history, culture and legacy of the Carolina Algonquians of eastern North Carolina. Specifically, Oakley’s project will review the history in the region from a different perspective, thus adding to an already complex narrative of the colonial era, while looking at the enduring legacy of the Algonquians.
  • Amber Flora Thomas, English, “NOT IN THE SOUTH: POEMS”: During her reassignment period, Thomas is working to complete a book of poems. Thematically within the topic and structure of these poems is a focus on eco-politics – poetry that is about the environment and place.

Faculty reassignment awards provide funds to departments to reassign faculty to allow time for research and creative arts pursuits in the arts and humanities. This creates extra time for faculty to apply for extramural funding or complete ongoing projects. Award recipients presented a well-defined project, identified specific funding opportunities and created a plan for proposal review.

Past reassignment award winners include faculty members for the fields of philosophy, English and foreign languages and literatures.