Research Development

>> Federal Funding – Executive Actions and Federal Agency Guidance

ECU’s Office of Research Development provides faculty researchers with the tools and support necessary to generate competitive extramural grant proposals. The office provides a variety of support activities for faculty, including networking events, grant writing workshops, and research trainings. Additionally, the office furnishes tools to help researchers identify potential grant funding organizations. Reach out to the office directly for questions about research development at ECU.


Programming & Support


Internal Funding Opportunities

ECU provides internal funding to support its faculty researchers, including the startup program, reassignment awards, and seed fund opportunities.


External Funding Resources

REDE, in conjunction with Joyner Library, has developed an external funding page for a range of academic disciplines and research interest categories. Visit the external funding page and our Finding Funding Newsletter to discover new funding opportunities.


Examples of Funded Grant Proposals

ECU has developed a database of examples of successfully funded grant proposals. The database is best viewed in Safari and Google Chrome web browsers. These examples are provided to provide you as a model when developing your proposals for submission. To access the database, click the link below, agree to ECU’s ethics and plagiarism protections, and download available proposal examples. Proposal examples included in this database include:

  • NIH R03 and R15
  • NSF RAPID Grants
  • Conference Proposals



Mary Farwell
Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Development

Ebony Applewhite-Wiggins
University Program Associate
Karen Litwa
Faculty Fellow for Research Development
Beth Thompson
Faculty Fellow for Postdoctoral Affairs and Research Development